Wandering in the Dark

Well, today was test day. And as much as I love HTML, I did awful! But I will persevere! When I started I came into the class a couple of weeks late. Knowing most tags and attributes, it seemed easy at first, but with integrating Photoshop(which I know very little about) it's been more and more a challenge. The greatest challenge of all is reading those long, thick technical chapters in Dreamweaver and HTML books. I really miss the quiet times at our house where I had time to create and network on your behalf. But now that my time is so incredibly limited, I am missing you all and time I used to spend promoting you.

I know that this will not be forever. But know that this time I must take away from It's Better Handmade will provide a great deal of knowledge for sharing and teaching you. Not to mention a whole lot better web design.

When you teach SEO, you have to know your preliminaries (Web anatomy). For instance, when you add images to your stores, are they .jpg or .gif? Did you know that if you add small .jpg images, when they are enlarged by customers, they loose their resolution? But a .gif will not! No matter the size! Also, did you know that .png files are not supported at all by the Internet Explorer browser? New info to me! And important info as I often use the .png images for my social Media buttons. :(

Today, after bombing the test, I realize that there is much I still need to catch up on. Don't know how in the world I will catch up on some 300+ pages, but I know that it is totally necessary to do what I hope to do.

We received our first website project today and I hope that it will be fantastic when finished. When this course is done, I fully intend on redesigning It's Better Handmade! Social Network...maybe even change the direction of the site. I will probably be moving it to a better host and server. I already have one picked out and will work very well with Dreamweaver.

This summer's classes will be more focused on Photoshop and Flash. I just downloaded Dreamweaver CS5 from the Adobe Creative Suite CS5 and have been getting better with building basic sites with the interface.

Hope you are all well and working hard on your craft. Stay active with your other guilds and groups on Facebook as they will benefit you while I am dancing in the dark.

Missing you dearly!

Susan Adams
It's Better Handmade!
MFG Social Networking

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