We are starting something new! Every Tuesday(started out slow today) we are coming together as a community at Artfire to save to Wanelo.
What is Wanelo? It's an online shopping community bringing together stores, products and people into a single social platform.
Wanelo (“wah-nee-loh,” from Want, Need, Love) is reorganizing shopping around people.
Wanelo is a social site where members share and save products from stores via the internet. You can create awesome collections of items that interest you, follow Stores and view collections from others.
A store page is created when someone buys from a store saved to Wanelo. Users can claim management over store pages. Over 200,000 stores are on Wanelo . You can embed a store's trending products in any blog post.
It's an awesome way to display what's popular from stores you love.
So why not Pinterest, as it's more popular? Well, if you sell craft supplies, yes, it works for you there as well. But most of the Pinterest crowd are DIY'ers and Tutorial scouts. The main audience on Pinterest is looking for something to make and mimick. Those of us crafty folks, understand that stealing an idea is wrong, but not everyone. So it may work against you rather than for you. I recommend you do both Wanelo and Pinterest.
Pinterest is not to happy with self promoters, where as Wanelo is all about it!
Come and try it out. Never hurts to branch out and reach a "shop-a-holic" "burn a hole in my pocket" ready to buy audience!
Idea! Take a group board on Pinterest and embed it into a page on your blog. Take a Store Trending feed from Wanelo and embed it into another page! Whala! Instant import of your shop and gift guide for the Holidays!